Maywood on the Park


Maywood Street and McKay Avenue

Burnaby - Metrotown


We are excited to introduce you to Maywood on the Park, Intracorp’s newest Metrotown community in an unbeatable park side location. We are thrilled to be adding to our collection of Metrotown projects, and there’s lots to love about this newest addition. If you are in the market for a new home in Metrotown, or have a friend or family member that is, this is a great opportunity to get early information.

Quoted by Intracorp


  • 型式:
  • 所在位置: Burnaby
  • 区: Metrotown
  • 预算完工时间: 2022
  • 睡房: 1, 2, 3, studio
  • 开发者: Intracorp
  • 施工类型: Concrete
  • Number of Units: 298
  • Number of Floors: 32


  • 24-hr Concierge
  • Bike Repair Room
  • Dog Wash Station
  • Fitness Studio
  • Lounge Area



Metropolis at Metrotown, BCIT, Maywood Park

Maywood on the Park


Maywood Street and McKay Avenue

Burnaby - Metrotown

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